Thursday, November 6

Edits, Comments, & Queries I Would Make, If I Were in Charge of the Weekly Fan Essay at, Since Whoever Assigned These Things is on Autopilot

Why We Like Football
Friday, October 3, 2003

Week 1: What's right with this picture? I gave up tickets to the Vikings opener in Green Bay to play in a charity golf outing for the University of Minnesota with three women friends. [You're fired. You're obviously not a true fan. Charity golf is like guzzling champagne for autism.] We picked the 7:30 a.m. tee-time so we could catch most of the game, even if we missed the kickoff. [You multitasked the shit out of that day, didn't you?] We raced back to my friend Laurie's house, where her friend Frank [C'mon. Fill us in on the friend part? Are they doing it?] was making us breakfast (eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce from scratch, no less).

Plus this weeks football picks at McSweeneys.

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