Friday, November 19

There's cat hair all over my jacket. I met a nice cat on the way home from the boys' place last night, and it was pretty friendly. I petted it for like ten minutes, and it seemed like a pretty good cat. I thought about taking it home with me because it didn't have a collar or tags or anything. I was going to call it "Ocho", because it kept doing figure-eights around my legs, and it's a Hispanic neighborhood and all. I keep saying "it" about the cat, which I guess is kind of insulting, but I wasn't sure about its gender because it kept getting all squeamish and scratchy when I tried to stick my finger up its butt to see if it was a boy or a girl.

Or is it just chickens that you have to do that to? I guess I wouldn't make a very good veterinarian. Anyway, lots of cat hair on my jacket.

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