Monday, July 11

So I'm at an interview today, at an office staffed solely by women. I get the initial screening done well enough (I'm always more at ease when being interviewed by ladies - none of that macho-bullshit posturing firm handshake crap). After taking the obligatory Word, Excel, and Powerpoint tests, I realize I should probably take a leak and clean myself up a bit before meeting with one of the VPs. It's hot as balls out there today, and with my suit on, I feel like I've been wearing a fucking hairshirt all day.

I ask the receptionist if I can use the men's room. She hands me the keys (It's one of those kind of offices), and points me in the direction of the hallway. I walk in the wrong direction for a while before finally finding the correct door. I insert the keys and turn them left. I hear a little *snap*. Then I try turning the keys to the right. Nothing. Then I try jiggling the doorknob while turning the keys both ways. Still nothing. I keep this up for about five minutes. Eventually, I give up and walk back in to the office, but I'm too embarassed to admit that I've been trying to get the damn door to open for more than five minutes. I'm sure the office staff thought I was wrestling with an especially truculent dump.

So anyway, I go throught the rest of the interview process looking like a mess, and still having to take a piss. Today was not a good day for interviews.

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