Wednesday, January 17

I spent some portion of the day making up bios for the senior executive portion of our website. Here is one.

Bill Billson: Vice President, Claims

Bill was born in 1952. On his third day of life, Bill's mother left him in a carriage on the side of a street. It turned out to be a steep street and a young Bill found himself being raised in the local zoo's Reptile and Insect House. There he lived until the age of fourteen when he would abandon his adopted home in order to pursue a track and field career, first at high school, and later at Delta State (home of the Fighting Okra, no matter what anyone tells you).

Being brought up by centipedes and spiny-tailed iguanas has had it's advantages for Bill. It provided him with great foot speed and relatively inexpensive diet. His agility gave him a means to an education, which later led him towards a career in insurance. It was at college, you see, that Bill first became familiar with the law and lawsuits. In late 1973, during a rough November storm on the outskirts of Cleveland, Mississippi, Bill found himself coming to the defense of an eastern coachwhip whom he considered a close friend, if not family member. The defenseless coachwhip was nearing his demise when Bill intervened with a Dutch border spade and a handful of top soil. Heaving the dirt into the face of the attacker and following it with a circular swipe of the spade Bill succeeded in his defense, but found himself on the wrong end of litigation. Litigation that would, of course, provide him with a wonderful excuse to enter the world of Insurance Claims.

As fate and mild misfortune would have it, Bill now serves as our Vice President in charge of our Claims Department. He's a graduate of Delta State, left-handed, an ophthalmophobic, and chairs the Board of Directors for the University of Wyoming Insect Museum. Bill is married with children, grandchildren and literally billions of extended family members. He still harbors a love of running, gardening and revenge.

Oddly, Bill was fired yesterday.
Who is Bill Billson? I work at Delta State University and need his contact information.

Keith Fulcher
Ummm, Bill is a bit of a private dude, but try him at

Just don't tell him who gave that to you, okay? Thanks.
Hilarious. I come here for the posts, but I stay for the comments.
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